How ShopRunner by FedEx Works
Join millions of shoppers using ShopRunner by FedEx to shop for thousands of brands and top deals, all in one place. Or sign up for a free membership to get free 2-day shipping, a personalized shopping experience, and more exclusive benefits. Use ShopRunner by FedEx to take the stress out of your shopping.
Your Favorite Stores, All in one Place
Easily browse hundreds of stores and brands like Free People, Ulta, Coach, Neiman Marcus, Kiehl’s, and more. Use our app to shop your favorite category to see what is trending across the best brands. Discover the best deals and sales on designer clothing, shoes, beauty and skincare, home decor, and everything else you love in our app.
The Best Deals, Plus Exclusives
We bring you the simplest way to find the best deals. Opt in to notifications to be the first to know when your favorite stores have the best deals. Get notified in advance of upcoming sales to know the best time to buy. Or you can find all the best deals now from our deals page!
NEW: Create Wishlists, Get Price Drops Alerts
Create online wishlists across all your favorite stores in our app. Shop and save for any occasion- from holidays shopping to birthdays to vacations or seasonal styles, with a single click. Plus, well send you price drop alerts for items on your wishlist so you know when to buy.
Make shopping easier than ever and download the ShopRunner app now!
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